

The negotiation of a domestic contract enables the parties to craft their Agreement, with terms that are important to them and their children. A negotiated settlement takes the risk – and significant expense – out of going to court.

Child support

One of my more interesting child support cases involved multiple children in various locations (one with mother out of the province, one with father and another away at university). We came up with a rather creative solution to a somewhat complex issue. In the end, we structured an agreement that provided that neither parent was to pay child support to the other, with an equitable sharing of the children's school and other major expenses.

Spousal support

In a case where my client (the husband) lived in Texas, we came up with an agreement that addressed the taxation and exchange rate issues, without making it overly cumbersome for the husband and wife to review and adjust spousal support on an ongoing basis. Adding to the complexity of the case was the husband's receipt of commission income and stock options.


In a particularly high conflict custody case opposite a settlement-oriented lawyer, the lawyers and spouses worked hard to arrive at a comprehensive parenting arrangement. The contentious word "custody" did not appear once in the 25 page parenting section of the Agreement, and the parties included many terms which, although important to them, a judge would never have been able to order.

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